Reduced Demands Tristar

I posted this in the Tristar forum 11 days ago but havent heard anything.

Hi there, is there reduced demand in this game world? Normally MEL-SYD would have hundreds of flight but demand seems low?

Also, there is some ridiculous unrealistic growth. How is that possible? Shouldn’t old aircraft not allow such a growth?

Demand is not reduced.
Old aircrafts are cheap so growth is very much possible.

Dont know how it isnt reduced when MEL - SYD flights are not supported.
“Increasing demand over time”

So, yes, demand is reduced in the beginning.

And of course that short after the start of this world, there won’t be the usual frequency of flights between airports, because the networks aren’t quite up to the level of older worlds yet to support all those flights with enough connecting passengers.

Old aircraft have one very distinct advantage, they are cheap to get. That means the waiting time to get the money for the next leasing deposit is way shorter and you can add way more planes in way less time. That effect early on can snowball quite quickly.

It depends more on your setup. Service profiles, planes, seats etc. How is your ORS rating for those flights?

I see. Its unfortunate people ruin the game. There are airlines with ridiculous fleets in 2 weeks. Not much fun.