Scheduling for Delivering Aircraft

Hi All,

This suggestion is as simple as my title. To add the ability to schedule flights for an aircraft that is being delivered and allow people to start booking flights for 3 days time.

This idea came up for me especially when leasing an aircraft that has long delivery times or a long order book, and i cant plan or play around with a schedule until the aircraft is delivered, which isnt accurate to real-life, where passangers can book flights on ‘new’ aircraft that hasnt yet been delivered to the airline. Furthermore, this helps minimise that 3 day activation period where the aircraft is just stuck not flying but costing my airline money. Why not create a schedule for the aircraft before it is delivered so that the moment it joins your fleet it can start flying, or wait 1 or 2 days before starting its schedule rather than 3.

Let me know what you think of the idea and if it could be implemented easily.


This idea was already discussed. It was made to keep available slots. But I agree with you. If AS would like to keep slots its better give that opportunity to schedule flights but slots would not be block until aircraft would not be delivered. Maybe some button for example (confirm) our schedule then we can run it. In my opinion, it will help for AS players plan their route and make changes if its needed

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The thing is that either you block the slots (which is not fair) or you dont and risk that the entire flightplan wont work when the plane finally is delivered. You can activate the schedule immediatly and it will start flying within 24 hours.

However using this, won’t the flight be almost empty… and just cost more money than the aircraft waiting for a couple days.

It all depends on the demand. I have filled countless flights after the first cycle and some have remained empty even after 3 days. If you have high demand it is a waste of money to wait for 3 days, especially for a new airline which desperatly needs cash to conqure the market. You are paying for the lease but you are not making anything.

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