Seat Capacity Changes - Same Plane/Different Routes

Game World: Domination
Airline: Gateway
I’m having issues with different seat capacities appearing on the same plane. For instance, I’m flying a A320-100 from SFO-LAX with 144 Y seats. The next leg LAX-LAS (and back) also has 144 Y seats each way. But, the next leg LAX-LGA drops to 48 Y and the final leg LGA-SFO drops to 20 Y seats available. I’ve “removed seats” and then paid to have the standard configuration reinstalled, but the issue still exists. I’ve also created a custom seating configuration that includes first class, but that doesn’t seem to help. Have I got a setting wrong? This is also happening on other A320-100’s in my fleet. I’d appreciate any advice on how to get the standard seat capacity to be consistent across all routes. Thank you.

check the performance tool.

For an A320-100, the route is too long to fly with full loads.

Thank you. I’m seeing what’s happening now and will rework my routes/planes.

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