Server with Faster Time


I know alot of people will oppose this as it kind of goes against the current game but i would love to see a server with 30 Real Time minutes to 1 Hour game (24 Hours Real time taking only 12 Hours)... just to speeds it up a little...

As a newbie I started an airline in australia... I have big problems with the time it takes to get a plane to me (from the market) no planes for sale or none that I could fine... which brings me to another suggestions planes near your headoffice.... etc

Using the current system this is impossible for technical reasons.

if you want that kind of game with accelerated time I suggest you to try AirwaySim....I love AirlineSim because it is played in real time and there isn't really a point of introducing something not its strength, or in this case, technically impossible

if you want that kind of game with accelerated time I suggest you to try AirwaySim....I love AirlineSim because it is played in real time and there isn't really a point of introducing something not its strength, or in this case, technically impossible

I actually don't like how fast that game goes... I also don't like that there is time limits imposed on there...

So I'm afraid I'm going to have to suck it up :P