

do airports on the Stapleton server have the same number of slots as the Tempelhof server ?


Yes, the data are the same.

Hm… the Tempelhof server allows 7 movements per 5 minutes; the Stapleton server allows 6 movements per 5 minutes. Unless I have missed something ;)


For which airport?

Sorry… Bombay, India


And… ?


on the Tempelhof server I count 7 movements per 5 minutes for the airport BOM (India), but on the Stapleton server the maximum is only 6 movements per 5 minutes.

Maybe I overlooked something, but then I would like someone to correct me. I asked this question already more than two months ago, but AS seems to ignore my question. Can anyone please check this ?



The number of slots in the current game settings might be wrong, if they got fixed, it will be valid for new gameworld when there are less slots in the future.


I am not sure I understand you… are you saying there might be a difference after all ? And that the current settings in Tempelhof might be wrong and these in Stapleton correct ?


Yes this might be. If they are wrong they will remain wrong

In other words: If an airport’s slot number is adjusted downward, this will only take effect for new game worlds. Old game worlds will continue with the old settings.


thanks for the fast replies.

Then Martin’s first answer (“the data are the same”) was incorrect. But okay, now I don’t have to feel like an idiot for seeing different numbers on different servers which supposedly use the same data ;)

Enjoy the weekend,
