suggestions on financial statements

I was abit of confuse regarding the financial statement in airlinesim.

  1. would it be possible change the period of income statement from week 1,2,3 to 1/1/2013 to 8/1/2013. The counting of weeks made me confuse when I look at the statement, I didn’t know how many days it has pasted in a week, I have to think it myself.

  2. I am not sure if the income statement has included the rental fee of each week, as I just can’t find the same number when calculating rental fee in overview page and income statement, would it be possible have some modifications.

  3. regarding depreciation, I think the accounting policy of different countries vary. e.g., under China accounting policy, when there is an operating rental taken place ( I rent a plane from another Company), I will not have depreciation on that. The depreciation only appears when I own this assets. At the moment, I rent all the planes buy I stil can see the depreciation cost in income statement. I am not sure if it is from the branch office, but simply it is hard for me to find out where the number comes out.

As sum, I would suggest:

  1. change the period from week to date.

  2. create a simple P/L sheet to list out all the income and costs incurred, the thing that different from now is that for each cost/income item, is there possible to create a link to show its calculation etc.,

  3. change to rental payment/overhead show in the overview page to a combination of costs (all the costs to be paid) to be paid in the following days