I just realized the Free1 game world server ended and that a new one is started immediately.
I think it would be nice to have some sort of summary of player’s past airlines being shown as some sort of screen or being sent to player’s email after one end and before the gameworld relaunch.
i think thats a lot of work for a free world. but maybe martin can get somthing together to automate this
The idea was for if it is also the case for short/medium term game world, but yes if it’s not automatic that would probably be too much works
Such a service is on my mental (long-term) roadmap and I’ll add it to the actual roadmap eventually. Certainly would exclude the free game worlds from this, but I’ve been wanting to build an “all time memory” of all game worlds for ages. The closest thing we got right now is me posting a few stats to the forums after a world ends, but that’s far from ideal, of course.
Too much work? Just do it. IT would be nice at least for a list of some type.
Not sure what to say to a comment like this…
- Martin allready made a post…
- “just do it” has no respect for him as he gives all his heartblood into the game.
- Yes it would be nice but dont forget the work behind it.
Sorry about the “just do it” comment. I was venting. Yes, of course not for the free game worlds. The reason I play those is because of the time limits. It gives me a limit of time to get things done. I do play right now in limitanbo or whatever it’s called just to keep the account open. It’s 5 credits per day (affordable) I want to change to some other world that actually has used aircraft and auctions and is the same price. But it has to have an end date and not 2 or 3 years- like a year max.
Anyway, talk to you later.