
I know those are more of a late game investment but how much if a difference do they really make?

Money wise it is simply a loss in my opinion .... it costs a lot of money to build them, you have to pay staff once they are operational..... you can demolish them but you will not get the money back ...... Image wise it helps you to get more passengers since you offer better service and you can rent a terminal to other players and they pay you .... all in all ..... if you don't know how to spend money then you can build terminals ... as long as you want to grow your airline its better to spend the money in airplanes then in terminals. 

My company is public so I was debating using the funds my holdings company gets to build the terminals

Terminals cost some serious money. So unless you have bank account in billions and don't now what to do with the money, I concur, that it's better to invest that money elsewhere.

Terminals cost some serious money. So unless you have bank account in billions and don't now what to do with the money, I concur, that it's better to invest that money elsewhere.

As a carrier that connects over 75% of my traffic through a monstrous 6600 departure hub, I bought the terminal for the ratings boost. It also reduced my passenger handling expenses.

It also gives you the ability to borrow that money against the value of the terminal.

As a carrier that connects over 75% of my traffic through a monstrous 6600 departure hub, I bought the terminal for the ratings boost. It also reduced my passenger handling expenses.

It also gives you the ability to borrow that money against the value of the terminal.

To have 6600 departures, you have to be making some serious bank, so it might make sense to get terminals in your case.

Also keep in mind some of the very large companies will have terminal space available for use. Often it is at a cheaper fare than standard handling AND better ratings. It may be wise to check and see if you can rent space first. You gain all the benefits without having to invest the massive funds.