today's update

After today's update, clicking on Defunct enterprise, shows "error 500" instead of the previous message (which was something like the enterprise does not exist anymore).

Will look into it tomorrow.

Yep, I got the same issue.

Would have been very great, if you could have provided some basic information, of that defunct airline, when opening their page?

Country and hub, as well as reason for defunct maybe? :-)

As mentioned multiple times, that is impossible, because with liquidation that information is lost

Totally forgot about this. Where do you get this error btw? Meaning, where do you click the link that leads to the error?

Totally forgot about this. Where do you get this error btw? Meaning, where do you click the link that leads to the error?

The defunct airlines link in the news section

I got IL request of one airline and I want see this airline. I got Error 500 because this airline doesnt exist anymore.

Thanks, I've created a ticket so I won't forget about it again :)

Will be fixed in the next maintenance patch.

As mentioned multiple times, that is impossible, because with liquidation that information is lost

Well, that should not be a problem if at liquidation some basic information is saved. I also often get that my interlining partner (i have many) is liquidated and i have no idea where he was based.

Instead of talking about the same thing all over guys, why don't you use a search function ... the search button actually works ....

It's been explained over and over why what you want is not technically possible

As mentioned multiple times, that is impossible, because with liquidation that information is lost

Nothing is impossible.  If the ownership history of an aircraft can be saved throughout the life of the game, this basic information of a defunct enterprise can be saved for a couple of days.  It really would not take much, however the operators do not appear to think it is a priority.  

Nothing is impossible.  If the ownership history of an aircraft can be saved throughout the life of the game, this basic information of a defunct enterprise can be saved for a couple of days.  It really would not take much, however the operators do not appear to think it is a priority.  

I have to agree. I wonder why I can find airplane history 7-8 years back on Kaitak. But information about an airline cannot be saved for more than 10 seconds ... <_<

I am no software expert, but I can’t imagine it’s impossible. As in totally impossible.

Very few things are “totally impossible”. We must differentiate between possible and complicated.

I am really looking forward to 6.3 (to finally be able to try it LOL) and who knows what will be after? I think that Martin should make a poll on what we as the costumers want and implement the thing that get most votes.

Of course we could save information on enterprises beyond their demise. But as usual, the devil's in the details:

  • What about enterprises that were deleted for - say - naming right violations?
  • What about naming right violations that only become apparent after we've saved historic data? Do we need to go though all of the historic data to check every time some new violation comes up?
  • For how long should this data be available? 24h? 7 days? A month? Several years?
  • What data should we actually save? There will always be someone who wants more. The hub won't be enough for someone who did interlining...someone like this would actually need pretty comprehensive schedule information. So should we be saving the whole schedule? What about fleet information? Contractual partners?

Sure, technically it's "no problem" to save "some" data. It's a matter of time and resources to be invested, both in terms of development effort as well as maintenance once the feature has been added.

Thanks, I've created a ticket so I won't forget about it again :)

Will be fixed in the next maintenance patch.

Said patch is being applied right now.

Martin, I think what people want is:

Imaginary Air has been shut down. With 47 aircrafts, and a headquarter in London Heathrow etc etc etc.

No need to save it for a long time. Simply just letting interlining partners know, what’s going on :slight_smile:


Maybe also the flight schedules so IL partners will know which airports they might need to reduce the flights

There is which is really help full and a great tool where you can find most flight schedules.