y r u yelling?
Because it's mad, why did he quit, I mean he was doing so well
Perhaps he wanted to start something else or has no time or fun / wife is gone or whatever... that's life... no reason to yell here in the forum. And by the way, CBE has posted this already in the opportunity-thread.
He was bored.
Are you sure that Turkish National Airways has gone? Look at Istanbul Airport and you will see the airline still existing because ...
it's your own airline :blink:
What you mean, is Turkey National Airways. This airline has been liquidated yesterday (or the day before). And you use the old logos of that airline. I hope you have the permission ;)
Yes, I was given permission thank you
Aero Turkish has begun operations, I embrace the competition
Welcome, Adam... :-)
And also welcome, ianmanson.
welcome to you both too :)
don't worry my PRs will come soon enough haha
Welcome all competitors, I hope we have fun whilst competing with each other, I wish you all good luck yes even you highscore
Welcome all of you! By the way there are just too many Turkish airlines for CBE to go exclusive so all contracts will be signed as long as the airline is deemed successful. I dont either expect exclusive agreements.
Thanks for the offer Christian, but out of respect to all future partners I will not be sending out requests until passengers start booking and I know my airline will succeed
Im not a turkish company and im operating in EU but i would accept an IL from someone big:D
Im not a turkish company and im operating in EU but i would accept an IL from someone big:D
Sadly I cant help you ;). Even though I am not big (at least not in Europe). I am a 50 million dollar company with around 40 Jets and three wide bodies serving 5 continents. Which is nothing. The only way I can help you is by buying up your company :).
Why has Fly Syria left the circus, Highlander222?
Why has Fly Syria left the circus, Highlander222?
Because I am quitting Airline Sim,
You just created an airline in serbia bro