Two flight

Correct me if I’m wrong but, if you have a small airline and operating regional aircraft and are doing short flights and have at least 2 flights per destination Or at least popular destinations, You shouldn’t need to leave the minimum transfer time in between flights at your hub right? My Airline is (City Connections) in Nicosia.

Side note, (Man it seems That I’ve gone through a lot airlines)

Don’t get the question. But if you want people to transfer between flights you need at least the minimum transfer time for them to connect UNLESS the onward flight is with the same airplane, then people can simply stay in the airplane and connect with less than the minimum transfer time.

Do you still need to leave the MTT In between two flights if you two flights Schedule, One in the Morning and One at Night. For example, If someone flys in from San Diego In the morning And is going to El Paso But they’ve missed the morning El Paso flight Can they wait in the airport for the evening El Paso flight?

They wait up to 8 hous maximum.

And please add to the minimum transfer-times ALWAYS 1 Minute, because the system is working with seconds.

So if the Minimum transfer time is 1:30 I should make it 1:31?

to be on the very save side = YES


thou with maintenance I noticed some small changes on the scheduling page. due to colorcoding it looks like only minutes are used for calculations or for some reason I was trmendously lucky to habe this working for 200 planes.