Well, that was silly

So I leased a new dash out, scheduled all of its flights, 3 day delay, logged off.

On the day that the dash was flying for the first time. I saw that I had 2 unread messages, I thought that these were from other users so I thought nothing of it, and logged off.

2 Days later, I logged on and saw that I had 12 messages! so I checked my mail, and it turns out...

I forgot to book the transfer flight, so the flights ( all 100% load) had been cancelled. 


So you’re basically saying you don’t care if someone sends you an ingame-Message?


No, the basic message was that I should have paid attention to the aircraft's location.

On the other hand, I get cancelled flights all the time, wait till you see my Load factor!  :P  :unsure:

I get cancelled flights all the time

You should definetly do somthing against that...

It's fine, a started a new company 2 weeks ago and we've already gotten a 40% higher load factor than any of my previous companies!

Imagine how much higher your load factor would be without all those cancellations!

Good point, i'll get back to you in a weeks time (starting sunday) with everything set in stone-no changes; then we can see what needs to be improved