737 or 319 - 321?

Hei ,

I used always the 737 series, now I am wondering if i should use Airbus 319 - 321 for my fleet.

What is the diference and what are the facts to think of?

Thanks for an answer.


The A320s and A321s are currently more economical to operate than their competitors but at the current low fuel prices the 737-700 beats the A319 but when fule prices go up then the A319 will be better. Airbus A320 family aircraft are always more fuel efficient than their Boing counterparts and they are all wonderful to operate in high fuel prices exept for the A318 which is actually a couple of dollars less economic to operate than the 736.

good thing for 737 is you have a 900HGW version with a pretty good range performance. LR and ER versions are hard to make money for both types, and they are pretty much the same on profit when you have a low fuel price

good thing for 737 is you have a 900HGW version with a pretty good range performance. LR and ER versions are hard to make money for both types, and they are pretty much the same on profit when you have a low fuel price

The 93 ton A321E Heavy also is pretty good on long haul flights, for example I use it on flights from KUL to DXB which is a 5,500km flight and I fly full passenger and cargo loads.

The 93 ton A321E Heavy also is pretty good on long haul flights, for example I use it on flights from KUL to DXB which is a 5,500km flight and I fly full passenger and cargo loads.

I know. but after passing 5500, the performance goes down a lot, unlike 737-900HGW you can fly up to 7000 with no issue

The A32X series also has a common speed, so there’s absolutely no problem with switching to a larger/smaller version as needed. I do run into a few problems with the 10km/h difference in the 737 models changing arrival times and running into slot issues. Easy enough to resolve, but annoying that I have to resolve it.

As much as I love A320 for making me money IRL, in AS I use B737 as I try to maintain a maximum 3 type of aircrafts.

B737 line up give more option within one type, allowing one to fly thin long route for connection purpose with B737-700ER,

throw frequency and capacity with B737-900s, and experimenting on cargo with B737-700C, something that A320 doesn't have.

However I look forward for A320 NEO, the A321-200 LR NEO would offer fantastic fuel efficiency while flying further than B737-900ER.

Even possible to fly longer thinner route with A319-100 LR  NEO, so can't wait. Too bad not a single A320 has been converted into Freighter.

Maybe they are too good to fly passengers, that not a single aircraft available to be converted, maybe.. :D

IMO both are almost equal in profitability. I use 320 series for my Pakistani airline and 737 series for US and Ecuador airlines. Most of the pros and cons have been explained in above posts, but the one more thing I like about airbus is the A319LRE. It is more fuel efficient than 737-700ER and can fly farther than 73J. When agex is low I do some of my 8000KM+ routes using this aircraft.

With these current low dule prices they are both almost equal.

But when the fuel prices go up (they have already started to increase) then the 738 will be pretty much useless and the C series will beat the 73G, 736, 318 and 319. After this the only economical aircraft to operate from the 737 family will be the 737-900ER and the A320 family will still have the A320 and A321. I belive thinking with the future in mind the A320s will be better as they are a lot more fuel efficient. That is why the A320s are the only new permanent aircraft I order in this category. While I use the 737s for my airline in Panama as I need the 737-900ER for longer routes and I also managed to get my hands on some classics that are brilliant in these low fuel prices. When he fuel prices go up then I will replace the 733 and 735s with C series and I will continue to operate 73J on my longer flights.

Until the 737 game performance is fixed, the Airbus is a better option. Interestingly the split scimitar winglet was introduced to the 737 IRL in 2014, and gave the plane a 2% reduction in fuel burn, however it has not been introduced yet in this game. When/if the 737 performance is fixed, the planes should be about equal, with the Boeing have a slight advantage as in real life.

Until the 737 game performance is fixed, the Airbus is a better option. Interestingly the split scimitar winglet was introduced to the 737 IRL in 2014, and gave the plane a 2% reduction in fuel burn, however it has not been introduced yet in this game. When/if the 737 performance is fixed, the planes should be about equal, with the Boeing have a slight advantage as in real life.

Yes, they add a highly technically advanced winglet to the aircraft that should save 2% fuel but they also add a hump on the plane for WIFI which burn 1% more fuel. Why can they not perform a more elegant solution like Airbus do without adding a large hump making the plane not look like a camel. 

Yes, they add a highly technically advanced winglet to the aircraft that should save 2% fuel but they also add a hump on the plane for WIFI which burn 1% more fuel. Why can they not perform a more elegant solution like Airbus do without adding a large hump making the plane not look like a camel. 

Interesting, I can find no proof on increased fuel burn from the WIFI hump, can you provide a link?  Regardless, it still is not represented in this game, which is ashame.

So yeah, we're going to introduce a new generation of 737s with new winglets, another one with new winglets and WiFi bump, a third one with the new engines, but no WiFi and a fourth version with everything, because I've always wanted to have a choice of 70 different 737 versions to cater my needs...

It's getting ridiculous. Matth is already busy with balancing the issues between 320 und 737 out. Stop complaining about your beloved 0.4 percent operational cost savings (2% fuel savings and fuel accounting for not more than 20% of operational cost) that the AS team has yet omitted to you. It's the only thing you ever write on this forum.

So yeah, we're going to introduce a new generation of 737s with new winglets, another one with new winglets and WiFi bump, a third one with the new engines, but no WiFi and a fourth version with everything, because I've always wanted to have a choice of 70 different 737 versions to cater my needs...

It's getting ridiculous. Matth is already busy with balancing the issues between 320 und 737 out. Stop complaining about your beloved 0.4 percent operational cost savings (2% fuel savings and fuel accounting for not more than 20% of operational cost) that the AS team has yet omitted to you. It's the only thing you ever write on this forum.

My idea is rather to have something similar to a car configurator where you can choose MTOW, wifi, sky interior, engines and winglet(s). There should also be a similar configurator for used aircraft but where you can not choose MTOW and it should be a bit more expensive than doing the changes in factory.

If wifi is added there should be a fixed cost depending on the number of seats from that wifi can be accessed (basically the number of seat in the aircraft that are wifi equipped). And a special cabin rating which is regarding sky/enhanced interiors and wifi.

This is what I thought about as well - additional emergency exits would also come into my mind where applicable (319, 739, CS300). At least for the engines I remember that to be in the planning agenda for a couple of years now. The seat configurator (extended by lavatories and galleys) could be included into this, too.

It's getting ridiculous. Matth is already busy with balancing the issues between 320 und 737 out. Stop complaining about your beloved 0.4 percent operational cost savings (2% fuel savings and fuel accounting for not more than 20% of operational cost) that the AS team has yet omitted to you. It's the only thing you ever write on this forum.

I'll pass.  If you don't like my posts, you are free to not read them.  

Reading this topic, i miss the cargo comparison, cause as far as i see the airbus family is better especially in 320neo vs 738 or 319 vs 73g.. there should be an option in comparison to compare full plane setups and cargo, not just 1 class.(tho this should be in ideas topic)

I started w/ 4 73g in Delhi, but i’m considering to  shift to airbus…