Buying Stocks

I’m having trouble on Stapleton buying stocks. I am submitting a buy request for an amount of stocks. However, I always get this error message:

Buy order couldn’t be placed!

  • Invalid price.

This happens with every price I try. I even entered the exact price of the stock but still got this message. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Do you use a . (point) in your price or a ,?

Another problem could be the first calculation of the actual price after an IPO. Maybe you have to wait a few hours till the price get a refresh.

I was using a . not a , (comma). I also tried a whole number (for example $100) without a decimal. I just tried a "," to see what would happen and it just returns an error:

type Status report

message No result defined for action de.airlinesim.web.actions.holding.HoldingNewBuyOrderAction and result input

description The requested resource (No result defined for action de.airlinesim.web.actions.holding.HoldingNewBuyOrderAction and result input) is not available.

I will wait some more and see if the server works later. Thanks for the answer Jaxs.

On the first day after the IPO, the shares have a “wrong” price. The price of a share in AirlineSim depends of the book value of the airline. And you may only pay +10% or -10% of the price that depends on the book value. So try it with prices around 100 AS$. That should work, I just tested it ;)

Yeah I found one that worked as well. It was there for the longest time.

Thanks for the answers.