Cargo settings not affecting cargo load/unload times

Ok, just checked…
How many seats do you have in your AB6? A dens config? I get your values too with 305 seats. Those 32/37mins is due to baggage loading being the critical path. So no matter the settings, it will take that time unless you change your seating config.
Of course you could argue that all bags are or should be containered here. Not sure if that’s intended or really some kind of bug.

Ok, so no matter how I turn it, there’s something terribly buggy with how bulk is calculated:

“Avoiding bulk” only works for bulk cargo, but not for bulk baggage. Consequently, baggage always is loaded bulk and not in containers as long as bulk is available.
Example A300-600:
21,100kg of cargo containers takes 19min to load. 5,067kg baggage takes 37min no matter what is selected. I’d expect this to be around a few minutes only if “avoid bulk” would work.

Something to be looked into.

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Probably works as designed, although one could argue that design is bad :smiley:

In the case you described, “avoid bulk” would mean to leave the bulk compartment empty and instead cut into regular cargo capacity. Might be that I/we decided against doing that back when it was implemented. But no guarantees, would have to have a close look at the code to figure out how exactly it works.

Sorry to bring this old thread up, but I seem to be having the same problem here with A300-600R. My Cargo unloading/loading time is also always 32/37 minutes regardless of cargo setting or seating configuration. I’m currently running two seating configurations with 226 and 311 seats respectively.