Flight isn't taking off

There’s a guide right here on this board, highscore2 has already linked it.
If you’ve read that already and only have specific questions left, you can of course ask here or use our Discord Chat for help.

Seach for tutorials also on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C3ytjQUWrw and following.
And now have fun with studying the basics for the game.

thanks a lot highscore2 i am sure to see it

actually only some of them(bookings have changed and the others remained zero
one is to takeoff today and it still is zero. it takesoff somewhere arund 7 and 8 Local Time.
Others have filled up a bit.
But some of them have remained like that for the past 26 hours(atleast i guess…)

hi, i have one doubt (that i didnt find in the video.
Are the flight landing fees and atc fees applied to every flight or not?
But on board service expenses are applied, right?also security deposits are given only once right?
My first flight took off

Whew can how to start the game be found???

Search for AS for beginners - an attempted blog in the forum.

Go to Youtube and search for Dashsolpher1 and Alfapiomega. No idea if they are any good but kudos to both of them for producing something. Both of these I believe are in English. For German try Jaegerhof TV.