I do not get any cargo?

Hi Guys,

I recently started here and started with a Cargo plane.

I opened a station on 2 major airport with a lot of cargo opportunities.

My plane is a cargo only plane, it flies it routes as planned but I get Zero Cargo. I lowered my price to 50% of the competition, but still no cargo??

I see that I have no cargo handlers at my station, can that be the cause?? How can I hire them?

All this is happening in Game world Otto. My Airline is NekkyAir.


When did you activate your flightplan?

There is a passenger distribution every 24 hours for every airport maybe yours has not happened yet.

I started flying like a week ago One flight Up and down every single day, and not 1 unit of cargo....

Maby it is considered an Intercity flight or something is completely wrong as I can't see your flight on the ORS.

What is your ORS rating for that flight?

What is your ORS rating for that flight?

It does not exist strangely.


Your page shows you have operated flights but have no passengers or cargo offered. The flights to and from AMS/LGG also show up in your schedule. Are you sure everything is set up properly (pilots, maintenance contractor, etc.)?

(pilots, maintenance contractor, etc.)?

Wthout theese he would not be able to operate any flights and he clearly does that so that is why this is very strange.

Well I am a beginner.... :-) Something must be wrong but I have no clue what?? 

The plane is fying it schedule so the pilots must be ok I guess. I see no problems on the Crew management page.

I have a maitenance contractor too

What else can be the problem??

What is the ORS Rating?

What is the ORS Rating?

What gets your passengers, probably the most important function of the game. And your does not exist thereby you are not getting any load.

Well I only fly Cargo, does this change anything in regards to ORS?

If not how is this to solve?

Maybe there is absolutely no local cargo demand for one BAE ATP Freighter (24 years) flying between BRU and AMS.

With a lot of IL's this route may work.

In RL the airfreight between BRU<>AMS  will be transported via truck.

Could you maybe post a screenshot of the flights for that aircraft?

If you go Fleet Managment > Flights button (the one on the far left just before notes). Can you screenshot that and post it?

Like this?


Schermafbeelding 2016-09-01 om 13.29.50.png


Schermafbeelding 2016-09-01 om 13.29.57.png

In some very strange way it seems you have seats installed. As it says seats are ticked and if there were no seat there would be an X. But as it is a freighter aircraft you cant have stas that is why you don't offer either cargo or passenger service, as clearly there is no cargo offered. This seem just to be a bug.

Well I will contact support. That will be the best thing to do I guess. 

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

Maybe there is absolutely no local cargo demand for one BAE ATP Freighter (24 years) flying between BRU and AMS.

With a lot of IL’s this route may work.

In RL the airfreight between BRUAMS will be transported via truck.

His airline page states there are no cargo units or passenger seats being offered, even though there are flights being operated. Even if the demand was zero, the ATP should be offering cargo space for use, which for some reason it is not.

My guess is there’s some kind of bug in how the new servers calculate cargo space for this particular plane - wasn’t there something similar before? We’d need to see if anyone else who flies ATPs in Quimby or Otto is experiencing issues.