
What’s up with all those IL-18???

Also flying between big airports and flooding slots -_-

While my ARJ’s aren’t allowed to fly from my hub to CAN PEK or PVG.

I’m not a hater but smaller older and sh*tier planes can?

That are the rules - even EMB 195 can’t fly 10 bar to 10 bar airports. And IL 18 neither. By the way: IL-18 are bigger than ARJs. 32 seats max. more.

I’m not talking 10 bar to 10 bar 8 bar to 10 bar


While I know in real life a plane like a ARJ flies between those airports.

But yeah rules are rules XD

I’ll just have to crush all IL-18 to my hub :slight_smile: by the rules!

To the team: makes the IL 18 finally more expensive, so this plague is finally stopped. We had slot blocking already once with these aircraft on its earlier server. It is a miserable thing to get behind the rules now. The slot-blocking rules do not work here, of course. And there is still the question: whether that is at all a probate means to avoid slot blocking. It is haunting me why, according to the old experiences with the IL18, you were acting so naively, and the machine with the same low price on Otto II reacted!

in german: 

An das Team: macht die IL 18 endlich teurer, damit diese Plage endlich gestoppt wird. Wir hatten Slot-Blocking schon einmal mit diesestem Flugzeugen au einem früheren Server.

Sich jetzt hinter die Regeln zu verschanzen ist jämmerlich. Die Slot-Blocking-Regeln greifen hier natürlich nicht. Und es bliebt immer noch die Frag: ob das überhaupt ein probates Mittel ist Slot-Blocking zu vermeiden.

Mir ist es schleierhaft, wieso ihr nach den alten Erfahrungen mit der IL18, so naiv handelt und die Maschine mit dem selben niedrigen Preis auf Otto II reingesetzt habt!

@ highscore

122 - 74 = 32?

Rechne noch einmal nach!

Please check again!


ARJ = 90 Passengers max.

EMB195 = 124 passengers max.

Difference is 34 seats, not 32 (my mistake). Don't know what your number 74 stands for.

I don't know... is this one way of playing this game?

I just saw someone brought in dozens of IL-18 and DC-9 (with many in the order book) in the last few hours and registered 6 fpd routes with default prices from my hub - flooded my 1-per-day flight with CRJs to the lower half of ORS. Gonna monitor how this is going for the next few hours.

I won't say this is against the rules, it's just... irritating :/


Bitte nicht aufregen, Sie sind ja nicht gezwungen auf Otto (II) zu spielen, Ich zumindestens finde es sehr abwechslungsreich mal einen Server mit Besonderheiten zu spielen, der Rest ist mehr oder weniger gleich.

Und es macht wirklich Spaß gleich zu Anfang eine Flotte zwischen 50-100Fliegern zu haben, ich bedanke mich beim AS Team, dass Sie es durch die alten Maschinen mit ihren günstigen Preisen geschafft haben, etwas Dynamik in eine sowieso befristete Spielwelt zu bringen.

Daher verstehe ich auch nicht das Slotblockingproblem auf diesem Server, mehr als die Hälfte ist eh von Anfang an da, und später einsteigen lohnt eh nicht, da Server nach ein paar Monaten sowieso wiederneustartet.

Bei unbefristeten Server kann ich es ja verstehen, dass man da für faireren Wettbewerb auch für Späteinsteiger sorgen will.

Deswegen meine Bitte, Otto II so lassen und nicht die Flugzeugpreise anpassen, die Spieler danken.

(Natürlich die Lockheed Electra mit Frachtkapazität ausstatten weil ein Frachter mit null kg Frachtzuladung ist relativ sinnlos)

IL-18 issue again! They should have made the planes expensive, equivalent to the price to MD-80s.

On a second thought... introducing old planes like this isn't that much of a bad idea. Old models like this that are generally unused in other game worlds - there's no reason why not to use them and this game world is not permanent as well. I was planning to restart my company anyway and this time I have a much better plan in my head...

Although it would be nice if the fees of such planes can be nerfed down a bit next time - this many new planes in such this short amount of time is just crazy. I can order 150 IL-18s and with almost 4 million dollars left.

This is a bit ridiculous... There are 2,129 IL-18's on the server after 4 days, with ~250 on order.  The vast majority of all large airports are completely filling with IL-18 flights, being run by 2 or 3 day old airlines with 150+ aircraft.  There's no real way to compete with this, and its causing passenger traffic to collapse.  This makes the server feel very ... unfun.  A crap plane dominating and flooding the server feels very much like an exploit.

Good thing I went cargo. DC8 are good fast cargo haulers.

well yeah il18 prices are rly too low, it should be around 30k/ week not 4.5k, but its too late now.

DC8 is rly good, i love it, nice range, speed etc. 

…btw a dude just spawned 100 il 18 in my hub to try to flood the market. This is rly getting ridiculous. :slight_smile:

In your Hub?

Although I operate 3 x IL18 the amount that are on order as well as the amount people can buy is a little excessive (150) are you kidding me. These are simply blocking slots at major airports. This is anti competitive behaviour like no other.

I wanted to build a dc fleet to compete with airbus and CS fleets in and around denver , but since the il cancer spreading in america as well like in china , i’m forced to use these pile of slow craps to occupy some slots on every airport. And every other"normal" airline forced to do so , or they will be out of business in no time.

In less than a month all mega airport will be mostly blocked(look at peking now , after a week from start) considering how fast the IL cancer spreads. (Almost 3k in a week, 7-10k in the next week , etc…)

...btw a dude just spawned 100 il 18 in my hub to try to block out everybody else. This is rly getting ridiculous. :)

Please be very sure if you are making that accusation. I do not think 58 daily departures in an airport with 3744 daily slots counts as trying "to block out everybody else". If you want to continue with that accusation please report via the in game report function

U misunderstood me , i’m not intended to accuse him , he’s using legal mechanism.

Actually its 400+ already i dunno what u saw, and hes using only like 1/3 his fleet because the cabin and crew train costs. I dont think this is cheating , maybe flooding (the market) is a better word for it , since the game alowing it.

But most of us saw what happened in peking , and i have no doubt what will happen in den , and other airports.

As i said the problem is with the game mechanics , il-18 should be around 30k(if the dc8-6 is around 55k) per week , not 4.5k …