Ingame graphics

With recent updates to the game, the graphics have changed. What’s the reason for this?

The graphic curve for historical profit & loss looks horrible and just now, the graphics for the aircraft performance tool has changed as well, in my opinion it looks worse, too.

Wow, that was quick :smiley:

Complaints about the profit & loss charts were already filed and discussed here: Neues Update (that already happened in a previous release).

And about the payload/range charts: Given that this release has been rolled out literal minutes ago, I have to assume you haven’t given yourself enough time to adjust yet. The new charts should provide a tangible improvement over the previous ones, both in aesthetics and functionality.


I do miss the aesthetics of the old profit/loss charts but the newer functionality is better & ngl it isn’t exactly anything I wouldn’t be able to adjust too.

Im loving the new performance graphs though :wink:

What’s the new functionality of the chart in the payload/range charts then? The information is still above the graph. Am I missing something?

The chart is much more dynamic and can now show you the actual performance curve given a certain set of constraints, relative to unconstrained performance. Example:


So what does the blue line show ?

@rubiohiguey2000 for how long have you been playing AS now? :smiley:

The blue line is the maximum payload at any given range for the given constraints (runways, speed overrides etc.). The grey line/area shows the unconstrained performance.