More capital to subsidiary

Hi - would appreciate anyone’s advice or assistance… I want to invest more money into one of my subsidiaries. Don’t want to go to IPO Just transfer money from holding to subsidiary to fund expansion. How can I do this??

Its not possible to transfer money from the holding to the subsidiary or vice versa once the subsidiary is founded.

and don’t say it should be, as this has been discussed plenty. just check the board.

Good to know :)

Im new in this game, i was holding 2 million back in the holding firm i created, so started my airline up with 8 millon.

There is no way to transfer the money over i can understand.

Will it be wise just to lease a plane and fly with it in my main holding, or should i create a new sub with the 2 million and run another bussines there ?.

you can’t create another subsidary with 2 million. 3 million are the required minimum.

you could lease an aircraft and fly it with your holding.

Thank you, well started over so i could get the extra plane in my airline.

By the way, how often is planes for leases putted into used market ?

I think, used planes are updated once every 12 (might be 24) hours. as far as I understand, each type at another time, but always the same time for one type

you might want to compare the prices thou. really old planes can be leased for less, but will effect the pax rating and might be more expensive in maintenance.

and you can always order a new plane for lease.

On a side note, a bit off topic, you can lease a plane from new for all aircraft still in production. Just request order and select the bottom option

Yes, there should be a big red warning sign in the Wiki - "WARNING! DO NOT LEAVE MONEY IN THE HOLDING!"

It used to be possible to use the money to underwrite IPOs, but they’ve stopped that. The possibilities are limited - you could buy shares and buy/sell them between the holding and the subsidiary, a slow and unreliable method. Again, the rules are designed to make that as difficult as possible.You could build a cargo terminal an rent it to the subsidiary at a lower rate - it doesn’t actually move any money from the holding to the subsidiary, but at least the subsidiary is paying less to AS than it would do otherwise. If you haven’t had your airline in operation very long you may be better off doing a total delete and reset, and write it off to experience.