SK I think is better to transfer my response here from General forum...
mmmh ... but that's not so unusual. If you would forbid to start leased aircraft in real life, the most aircraft would have to stay on ground. The most airlines in real life only lease their aircraft.
I can't agree with you anymore. The leasing over buying is a thing that has been criticized for a long long time
OK, we have lot of protest about fair play in last days, so everybody ask some fast solution, but its impossible in server who already run
My idea is to make restrictions on leasing, and with that you will manage fair play
Lets look what we have now in game
we have 99,5% leasing aircraft, so leasing is not option, its only way of play
So you can restrict numbers of leasing airplanes - let say up to 10 or make leasing expensive with raising week depreciation
With 10 aircraft you can make money for Buy or take credit
Why to do that?
Well if you look game today, you will see that is game very harsh and unfriendly to new players
but if you manage to survive 4 weeks game become very easy, or to easy
If you lease new aircraft and made mistake, simple you cancel leasing and you will get money back
But if you force players to buy aircraft, well then we must think, because if we made mistake its harder to sell aircraft
With restriction of leasing game will be harder in all game time, and you must think what you doing all time.
All players will must make strategy when expand airline, not simply work like BOT.
I know that this rule is impossible to introduce in old servers, but not hard for new one