ORS Strange results

Hi All - I recently returned from a few years away from AS and its nice to be back. I am trying to build Kangaroo Airlines on Hoover, with my last airlines on Nicosia so I suspect the ORS may perform slightly differently based on the below.

I have an A319-200 between Perth and Sydney scoring 75 flight rating but only 99 for the entire journey rating. A competitor has an A350 scoring 72 for the flight but 100 for the journey.

Is this because his entire journey is faster? I have already heavily discounted the flight and put in great seating.



Hey Chris!

There was a change in ORS, the main target where Luxus-seats. Better seats have less impact on ORS.

Overall you can see the flight rating and see (some) of the factors. It could be everything, from the airplane to the terminal.

Thanks for the quick response!

Surely if its flight related such as terminals etc, the flight would not get 100 in the ORS vs 99 for the overall journey?

it seems to be overall journey related, all I can think of is time.

I am ending a few leases to upgrade the route to a faster widebody, I guess that will answer the question (when i have the $$$ in a few weeks!)

Let me pitch in real quick.
So Nicosia runs on ORS V1 (“Old ORS”), Pricing Formula V1, and static turnarounds.
Hoover, still runs on the Old ORS. However the pricing formula is different (V3) and the turnarounds are the dynamic ones (you will notice this, in selections such as Remote Stand and Bulk Cargo. It should not affect your question, except the fact Remote Stand slightly drops your rating.) Pricing Formula should change.
However, what AirChaos is saying isn’t entirely true for your scenario, as the ORS ratings and things themselves should be the same between Nicosia and Hoover. The only world’s where this premium drop is found, is in all short term world’s, as well as in Limatambo. Hoover and Xiguan are very much still your “quest for 100” servers. In New ORS, the 100 rating makes much less of a difference.

I once heard that narrow bodies are “capped” at ORS 99, to allow for a boost to the wide-bodies. Hence why your competitor’s A350 slightly outperforms your A319. I’m not really sure if there is some distance thing associated with it, but it might help explain your question. The upgrade to a widebody should knock it up to that 100.

Thanks, that makes sense and is interesting to hear!