Public Service Obligations


Virtual public entities put out for tender so-called Public Service Obligations. The winning airline is then obliged to provide a certain level of service on a given route, typically a thin and/or low-yield one that make no commercial sense on its own. The airline then received compensation for this capacity, but might also have to pay penalties if it fails to provide it.


The original idea for this was actually “a tutorial in disguise”: New players would receive a private offer for a PSO specifically catered to them, providing them with easy, stable income for their start into the game. But this could obviously be made into a general feature by which airlines must compete for PSO contracts. This would add a new potential revenue stream/play-style while also giving more meaning to the thousands of remote and/or small airports in AS.


Implementation could start at any time, no technical dependencies.

Is this feature Charter service or something like that?

It is very similar, indeed. At the end of the day, it’s like a “charter ordered and paid for by the government” :slight_smile:

We might in fact be able to re-use some of that logic for an actual charter feature, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself here…

I honestly think it’ll enrich the game
Charters were requested by some players
This can lead players some players to choosing to operate airlines with no permanent routes

However, the charter should be considerate to the fleet that the airline has and its schedule. If this feature is implemented, then it’d be nice if it was possible to schedule single-time one way route for a productive way between charters, this will specially be hand if you’re based in a really big country like Russia, China PR, Australia, Brasil, the USA or Canada



instead of


Because more than one player (myself included) would like charters to be introduced

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Now players, how would you like charters to be implemented?

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