Feature Roadmap Overview

This post is an overview of all the things we currently have on our long-term roadmap, organised by general subject areas.

If you’d rather see items by status, you can look them up by tag as described in About the Feature Roadmap.

There are a couple of additional markers to convey factors influencing priority beyond mere player votes:

  • :fire: signifies features that are urgent for commercial reasons, because they suffer from major game design issues or because they bear no resemblance to reality
  • :spider_web: marks parts of the game that are are very old and thereby hinder development progress for technical reasons (due to outdated tech/frameworks being used) and/or provide a bad user experience due to their age
  • :hourglass_flowing_sand: idea that tentatively exists on the roadmap but I haven’t had the time to write up a brief yet (hence, no link to a post in the roadmap category)


Player Onboarding

Traffic Simulation

Product & Customer Service


Sales & Marketing

Airline Cooperation

Fleet Operations

Ground Operations


Alternative Business Areas

Aircraft Market

Human Resources

Finance & Capital Market

Politics and Environment Factors


Exclusive Game Worlds

Formulated a bunch more items, mostly from the HR section. But need to stop for now :slight_smile:

Finally managed to write up posts for the last remaining placeholders on the list and also managed to add a couple more items that have recently come up.

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