Routing Rules


Allows to specify more elaborate routing rules for fares, for example:

  • Permitted transfer airports
  • Maximum Permitted Mileage (MPM)
  • Carrier/interlining restrictions


Provides more control over how fares can be applied, especially when it comes to interlining with other carriers or differentiation between low-cost domestic and full-service international fares, for example.


Technically feasible as soon as we have fares in place.

Can you please elaborate on that idea?

Ah fare is just that: The price charged for a given itinerary. But whether a fare matches a given itinerary is determined by a combination of “fare rules”. And once specific type of fare rule are routing rules.

To give an example:

Say you have 2 fares from MUC to DEN:

  1. Fare A costs 500 ASD and the routing rules say “no transfers permitted”.
  2. Fare B costs 750 ASD and the routing rules say “transfer via FRA, max 2 transfers permitted”.

With these, the following itineraries would be matched:

  • MUC-DEN: Fare A
  • MUC-FRA-DEN: Fare B
  • MUC-FRA-JFK-DFW-DEN: none (too many transfers)
  • MUC-JFK-DEN: none (not via FRA)

Other fare rules work the same way. So you might specify that the MPM is at most x times the direct distance (might be relevant due to interlining compensation) or that certain legs must be flown on a specific interlining carrier etc. This can be as simple or as complex as I am willing and able to make it :sweat_smile: