Seats available incorrect?!


New to this, but learning as I go along...

Struggling to work out why only a certain amount of seats are offered 2 routes. BHX to WAT and BHX to GCI.

I believe its because of landing restrictions at the inbound airport, however the compare aircraft tool says this is ok - see attached. 

In the examples, there are 85 seats in Economy available and 10 in Business, but on the Waterford route, this only shows as 39 Economy, and the 10 Business (which is correct), and for the Guernsey route, this has 45 Economy available with the 10 correct Business on the inbound leg but on the return journey, all 85 seats are available?! 

Any ideas

Thanks a lot.

Look at the payload.

% of maximum.

Does it say 100%?


Yeah you need 1730m for landing with full weight and you only have 1463m in one, and 1433m in another. You need to cover the maximum, not the minimum. And mariobastian is right... best way to see is checking the payload maximum allowed.

As they’ve said, you’re operating under payload restrictions. For BHX-WAT, your calculated payload due to runway restriction is 4681kg. Every passenger in the game is worth 95kg (every unit of cargo is 100kg), so a bit of math says 4681kg/95kg=49 seats (because you can’t have the extra 0.27 of a person) available. Because the game restricts cargo first, followed by Economy, then Business and First, it means you get your 10 business seats, and 39 Economy seats are available for sale.

you fly 20x times for day same route?

are you running bus company or airline?

don't waste time and money for this two city's

find some better route

you fly 20x times for day same route?

are you running bus company or airline?

don't waste time and money for this two city's

find some better route

bus company probably won't do 20 daily trips either...

To find out how many seats you can have on a route you take the calculated payload ( for example 5364kg ) and divide it by 95kg per seat.

5364/95 = 56 seats.   ( 46 economy + 10 business )

To be able to fly with all 95 seats your calculated payload needs to be at least 95*95 = 9025kg or 77%