Support for “asymmetric” treaties


There are aviation treaties out there that are “asymmetric”. For example, the US-EU OpenSkies treaty allows any EU airline to fly to the US from any other EU country. But US airline aren’t allowed to fly between any two EU countries except for continuation flights (5th freedom).


AirlineSim currently doesn’t support the sort of treaty described above, but maybe should.


No dependencies.

As much as i like this feature due to it simulating reality, i feel like it would open the doors for players to have an even bigger monopoly in europe. I don’t think that is a good idea from the business standpoint of the game as it would reduce the amount of players even more and therefore make game worlds less profitable.

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I think a mirroring feature to reality like this would help clear up some of the discrepancies where people can get confused when comparisons are made to the real world & well in the real world you can xyz etc