Alliances: Automatic interlining


As the name suggests, all members of an alliance have interlining set up automatically if desired. Consequently, existing agreements between individual members are superseded/replaced and any rules introduced by Advanced Interlining (like booking code mappings) will apply across the whole alliance.

Since this transition might be non-trivial (code mappings might not make sense, a new member’s PSS might not support required features, …), this could be a semi-automatic process that a new member needs to complete before becoming a full member of an alliance.


This has been a long-requested feature. In fact, many new players get confused because this isn’t the current behavior today already. Especially with the new complexity and possibilities introduced by the Distribution System, such a feature would add even more value.


Almost certainly only makes sense once Advanced Interlining has been implemented and it is clear what the requirements are to make automatic interlining work with the new system.

This idea will give Alliances an actual use

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We need this otherwise what’s the point of an Alliance. We need to benefit somehow compared to not being a member.

Would also add that extra realism to the game.


It would also be nice if alliances could disallow external interlining agreements from its members or subject them to a vote.


Why do you want this feature?

Adding some preferences to connections with Alliancemembers, then interline partners. This makes an alliance valuable