Hello…I have a big question…how can I change an Airplane without cancelling all the flights for a complete flight plan…
Thanks for the help
Hello…I have a big question…how can I change an Airplane without cancelling all the flights for a complete flight plan…
Thanks for the help
The simplest way I have found is:
(If you want to return your aicraft from lease do the following tree days before its lease payment date and terminate the lease)
Order new aircraft.
Make the same schedule as your other aircraft (assuming same turnaround times, oterwise it is impossible).
Activate for three days ahead.
Delete the schedule on your old aircraft.
(This can be done on airports wit free slots. If ther are restricted you’ll have to do flight numbers one by one so somebody else doesn’t take them in the meantime :] )
Hope taht helps
i think some people are not very used in changing a flight schedule to another aircraft
up to 1) it’s ok
then go, where you usually make the flight schedule, but NOT make a new schedule
just under the field for flight numbers is a link ‘existing numbers’, there you fetch your old numbers and decide on what days you want fly, then save
that you do for all numbers from your old plane - at the end all flights are transfered, the flight schedule on the old aircraft is already no more existing
and the flights on the new plan start in 3 days, because the days before the flight numbers were booked on the old plane
so you must not care about slots or something else
i hope that’s understandable - for sure it’s the easiest and quickest way
Thanks a lot!! I’ll do in that way!
If this works, it is much easier. Thanks from me. And thanks for the usual irony.
chillhunter is right - this is one way of doing it. Another way is via the Route Management facility - if you go to ‘Route Management’, select the route you want to reassign your alternative aircraft to, then select the tab for the relevant flight #. Then select the sub-tab ‘Scheduling’ - here you can reassign aircraft to individual flight numbers using a drop-down box that lists all your aircraft
That’s how I do it too Don’t forget to activate schedule (3 days delayed) for BOTH aircraft.
Can you move a flight once it is booked to a different aircraft?
So for example, if it is booked to 50/70, and you want to move it to another aircraft with 50 seats, can you move the booked flight so on the new aircraft it is booked to 50/50?
It’s impossible. AFAIK, each booked flight tied with certain plane and can not be transferred.
everything that is entered into the database, stays there. You can only cancel flights once they are entered in the ORS… not change the time, on-board service, price or plane that performs the flight.
If you want to use another plane for a flight, schedule that flight on another plane and activate it with a three days delay. Make sure that your original plane does not get stuck on the destination airport when you remove the flight, and if you change the time of the flight, make sure you don’t end up with the same flight number flying twice on the same day.
Erm… I see. So what this means is- for a startup like me struggling for every penny and unable to buy new aircraft- swapping plane "A" (an existing plane) out and plane "B" (a new lease) in means:-
Lease new plane (else you have nothing to assign the routes to);
Assign routes to new plane using either “Flight Numbers” or “Route Management”. Routes will drop from old plane’s schedule as you do so;
The new plane sits idle for 3 days while the old plane finishes up the booked flights, incurring leasing costs on both;
3 days later the new plane starts on the route and the old plane can be returned to the lessee.
Hoboy… I sure wish I factored in that 3 day downtime now. Look out for news of me needing an "Emergency Rescue Loan" soon!
It;s usually less dramatic, as you often need 12-24 hours to transfer new plane from it’s current
location to your base.
Also, be aware the plane with cancelled lease doesn’t return immediately, but only at the end of
it’s leasing week(you can find details on leasing page) and you still need to pay for this week of usage.
Personally I found no reason for "seamless" service at the start, so I just cancel lease, wait for security deposite
and than order new aircraft.
Yes- unfortunately I had timed it rather nicely to inflict maximum damage on myself with the one plane lying idle for 3 days while the other finishes its booked flights and then the second sitting idle for four days while its lease runs out.
At least I’m doing this with relatively-inexpensive 737s and not A380s. Oh well… I guess I can still schedule 4 more days worth of flights on the old plane and get some income out of it before it goes. Must remember to clear the flight schedule and cancel any booked flights which go into the 5th day, though!
I’ll survive. Thanks much!
I sure hope I don’t do this again!
Sorry for digging up old threads, but this was the only one I found with the search function and is relevant to my question.
Most of what has been posted has answered what I was looking for but I want to make sure before applying my settings.
My question now is, after assigning the new aircraft to the flight numbers, I will then have to remove the flights from the old aircraft schedule to prevent it from booking any more flights?
1.Apply flights to new aircraft
activate schedule 3 days delayed
start removing flights that are scheduled 3 days out (when new aircraft starts flying) from old aircraft schedule
clean up schedule on old aircraft as booked flights are completed.
Since this thread was started long ago, I wonder if anything has been streamlined since the OP.
When I add a flight to the new aircraft, the flight is removed from the old aircraft schedule. Since I had/have booked flights, I went into panic mode and re-assigned the booked flights to the old aircraft. I re-assign the flight to the new aircraft after the booked flight has completed.
If I re-assign all flights to the new aircraft and leave the schedule empty in the schedule, will the old aircraft complete the booked flights? Will the new aircraft then start booking (since I delayed 3 days) the flights after the old aircraft finishes booked flights?
No need to delete the flight if you canceled the airplane contract. No penalty for that even the flight has been scheduled and booked after the cancelation date. Basically all schedules and bookings will gone with the cancelation of the airplane contract.
I am keeping both aircraft in my fleet. The new purchase I made is actually an older aicraft (MD-81) and has higher capacity but shorter range then my 737-700. So the -81 is taking over my MSP-MDW flights. As the 73G finishes the booked flights, I have been adding flights to other destinations. So it has been a lot of work to monitor and update the schedule of both aircraft during the transition of flights.
So my question is this. If I buy/lease a new aircraft and intend to adjust schedules as I explained above. Can I set the flights for both aircraft, apply it to start in 3 days and it will transition fine (assuming both aircraft are at the proper airport?) There won’t be any cancelled flights that were booked?
once a flight has been entered into the system nothing about it can be changed. not the time, price, service, …
if you now go to the scheduling page and pick an already existing flight number you gan see which aircraft is assigned to fly that route on each day. when you reassign them to a new aircraft and activate the schedule tree days delayed, you will ge what you are looking forward. as I said, flights already booked into the systems can’t be changed, only cancelled manually or because the old aircraft is unavailable due to condition or end of lease, but not because they are not in the respective schedule any more.
the new flights will be entered with a three day delay. just make sure the plane is in the right spot.
Great! I didn’t want to find out the hard way with flights being cancelled from the complete schedule changes.
I can also assume that 3 days delayed is exactly 72 hours from the time I activate?